Friends of Augusta is pleased to announce that we are endorsing Michele Edwards for House of Delegates, representing the 20th District, a seat currently held by Dickie Bell.
Edwards has been a vocal opponent to the proposed Atlantic Coast pipeline and has pledged to not take money from Dominion. Michele recently spoke at a no pipeline event where she confirmed her support for stronger private property rights and the protection of our environment.
Michele also voiced: “Dominion Virginia Power proposed the Atlantic Coast Pipeline as an unnecessary, dangerous, and unwarranted threat to our region’s safety, individual rights, water, and air quality. It’s proposed path threatens livelihood, beautiful pasture lands, mountains, and waterways, and also threatens property values.”
She articulated feelings many of us in the opposition have been having: “Why are we being asked to sacrifice all we hold dear for the profit of a mega company and for the energy needs of other regions? Because for far too long, politicians have accepted donations from large corporations and then support them unhesitatingly. We need to take big money out of politics and demand that the government serves the people, not the corporations.”
Michele Edwards is running to represent the citizens and the environment of the 20th District, not special interests and corporate greed. Please check out her Facebook page or website. Come see her on September 17 from 1-8pm at Seven Arrows Brewery during a free event featuring live, local music.
We deserve a new voice in Richmond, a voice that will represent us, our values and our hopes for the future. Vote Michele Edwards on November 7.
Letter from Jennifer Lewis/Friends of Augusta