Home Final week for absentee voting in Virginia
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Final week for absentee voting in Virginia


constitutionThis week marks the countdown to the final days in which Virginia voters may cast an Absentee Ballot for the upcoming November 4, 2014, General Election.

Requests for an Absentee Ballot to be sent through the mail must be submitted to the voter’s general registrar’s office by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.  All applications must be received in the voter’s general registrar’s office by this deadline in order to receive a ballot in the mail.  Absentee Ballot Applications may either be hand delivered, mailed, faxed, or emailed to the voter’s general registrar’s office.  Once a voter receives their absentee ballot in the mail, they have until November 4, 2014, at 7:00pm to return their completed ballot to their voter registration office.  The full list of local voter registration office address can be found atelections.virginia.gov.

Virginia voters also have until November 1, 2014, to vote an in-person Absentee Ballot at their local voter registration office.  Each local voter registration office will have in-person absentee voting available each day through Saturday, November 1, 2014. Voter registration offices vary on their opening and closing times; therefore voters are encouraged to check with their local office before going to vote during this period.

To be eligible to vote an Absentee Ballot, voters must be registered in Virginia and must meet one of the eligibility requirements listed on the Virginia Absentee Ballot Application (Click Here for Form).  Applicants must list a qualifying reason for voting absentee. Those qualifying reasons are located on the last page of the absentee application.

Voters are also reminded that Virginia law now requires them to present an acceptable photo ID when voting in-person.  For a listing of the acceptable forms of photo identification, or to find out how to obtain a free Virginia Voter Photo ID Card, please visit the Department of Elections’ website at elections.virginia.gov.   Voters may also find information about the upcoming election and check their registration status while visiting the Department of Elections’ website.  Voters are also encouraged to reach out to their local voter registration office for more information or to call the Department of Elections’ toll free number at 1-800-552-9745.



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