On Aug. 9 at Staunton Senior Center, Kay Stiltner, Family Nutrition Program Assistant with Virginia Tech offered her second nutrition program in a series of six entitled the Family Nutrition Program. Kay works with the Virginia Cooperative Extension and last week presented “Fight Bac: Four Simple Steps to Food Safety” with three members attending. Today she covered MyPlate with eight members attending, educating them about healthy eating habits by teaching what should go on the plate at every meal.
In short, plates should display a rainbow of colors as half of the plate is made of fruits and vegetables and the other half of the plate is covered with whole grains and protein. A serving of dairy should also included in each meal. Members received a colorful plastic plate displaying examples and amounts of each food category that should be eaten at each meal to be used by the member or shared with a grandchild!
Kay explained each category (fruits/veggies, grains, and proteins), giving examples of various grain and protein sources and zeroing in on fruits and veggies by color and how they benefit the body. Her interesting and practical presentation also included discussion on alternative forms of cooking such as roasting which retains a large amount of the vitamins in foods; and Kay ended the morning by providing members with healthy snacks! Next week she will be talking about the content of fats in different foods.
More online at www.StauntonSeniorCenter.org.