Waynesboro Public Library, in partnership with RBdigital from Recorded Books, announced the availability of digital magazines via Zinio for libraries. Zinio is the world’s largest newsstand, offering multi-user access to popular publications.
The magazines can easily be viewed on most Internet-enabled devices inside or outside of the library. New issues are simultaneously released with the print edition and are often available before the print edition hits the shelves. Users may check out as many new issues as they want and keep them in their account for as long as they want with no late fees.
Zinio’s unique technology digitally recreates a magazine page for page, including full color pictures, intuitive navigation, key word article search and interactive elements such as audio and video. Fifty popular titles are included in the library’s subscription. Consumer Reports, Good Housekeeping, National Geographic, Readers Digest, and Us are just a few available.
“We are pleased that the Library of Virginia made the subscription to Zinio possible,” said Zahir Mahmoud, Library Director. “As we move towards e-content, more magazines will be added to our Zinio subscription in the future.”
Please see a staff member at WPL for more information on how to access this service or go to www.waynesboropubliclibrary.org to get started.