The Waynesboro City Council meeting is open to the public and being held tonight at 7 p.m. at City Hall. There is no public hearing scheduled tonight on the proposed pet ordinance that impacts dog, cat, chicken and rooster owners. It is on the agenda to be introduced tonight, however. There is a public comment portion of the meeting where many people plan to speak on the issue.
For those unable to attend, a document shared with me by Councilman Terry Short says that “council will continue to accept comments by phone during the public comment portion of the meetings at 844.844.9200.” We recommend confirming this with the Clerk of Council.
Council meetings are temporarily unavailable on the Government Access Channel, according to the city website. The document provided by Short, however, says the meetings are still on the government access channel.
If you are unable to attend, you may watch the meeting online at
You may read the proposed ordinance here:…/ViewFile/Item/4438…
See page 33 of the proposed ordinance: “It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or harbor more than four dogs and/or 5 five cats over four months of age, not to exceed a total of 7 animals, in or on the premises of any dwelling unit or on an unimproved lot within the City, unless authorized by a permit issued by the animal control officer. Such permit may be issued only if the animal control officer finds that exceptional circumstances exist for such period of time specified in the permit.”
Speak up!
Clerk of Council: Julia Bortle, 540-942-6669 or [email protected]
Waynesboro City Councilors
- Bruce E. Allen: [email protected]
- Terry Short, Jr.: [email protected]
- Dr. Sam Hostetter: [email protected]
- Bobby Henderson: [email protected]
- Lana Williams: [email protected]
- Contact City Council members as a group at this email address: [email protected]
From the city website
The City Council welcomes written and oral comments from citizens at regular meetings.
Citizens may use the comment sheet provided in the City Clerk’s Office. Comment sheets submitted to the city clerk by 5 p.m. on the day of the council meeting will be copied and distributed to the Council Members. A citizen who wishes to submit other written material should submit nine copies to the city clerk for distribution to council members and senior staff.
Citizens wishing to speak may sign in at the City Clerk’s Office during regular business hours, or by 7 p.m. on the evening of the meeting. Speakers will have an opportunity to speak during the citizen comment period, and they must observe the four-minute time limit, five minutes for a representative for a group unless other members of the group also speak.
General rules for speaking
- Sign up on the appropriate sheet, citizen comment or public hearing, provided on the table at the entrance to the council chambers
- When called to speak, proceed to the microphone, and begin by stating your name and address for the public record
- Address the Mayor directly
- Observe the lighted timer
- Green is to begin
- Yellow is to sum up
- Red to conclude
- Please be respectful
Citizen comments
There is time reserved at every regular meeting of the City Council for citizens who would like to speak directly to the City Council on public matters that deserve the attention of council. The time limit for speakers is four minutes. Individuals speaking on behalf of a group will be allowed five minutes provided that no other members of the group speak. Subject matter being addressed must be within the jurisdiction of city business. General announcements are prohibited. Please respect the time limit.
Story by Crystal Graham