Four Augusta County residents have been appointed by 25th Circuit Court Judge W. Chapman Goodwin to serve as jury commissioners and will be reviewing next year’s potential list of qualified jurors in October.
Those selected include Vickie Arnold of Swoope, Lora Dury of Mount Sidney, Edward R. Long of New Hope and Andy Vanhook of Weyers Cave.
“The citizens who serve as Jury Commissioners play an important role in reviewing and qualifying potential jurors each year for Augusta County’s Circuit Court,” Augusta County Court Clerk Steve Landes said. “We thank these Augusta County citizens for their willingness to serve and take on this key responsibility in the jury process.”
The Code of Virginia states that the Judge of the Circuit Court shall appoint at least two, but no more than 15 persons as jury commissioners. The jury commissioner’s responsibility is to provide the Court with a list of qualified jurors for jury service for the next year. The jury commissioners do not select jurors. Jurors are randomly selected. The deadline for compiling a list of qualified jurors is Dec. 1. Jury commissioners are eligible for reappointment.