Today, the House of Delegates passed Senator Chap Petersen’s (D-Fairfax City) bill to protect cyclists and drivers from the dangers of suddenly opened car doors in a 70-25 vote. For years, the bill has been hit by successive House committees, never to survive.
The bill, SB 117, was heard by both the House Transportation and Courts of Justice committees before being passed to the floor.
After the House passage, Sen. Petersen said the passage of the bill will protect cyclists and drivers from the danger of ‘dooring.’ “This bill is an important step to protect the lives of cyclists and motorcyclists and to establish a clear ruling as to who is at fault in a vehicle-door crash. It’s a pro-cyclist and pro-recreation bill.”
The bill was supported by the Virginia Bicycle Federation, the Virginia Bikers Association (motorcyclists), and the Virginia Transit Association.
The bill will go back to the Senate for a conforming amendment prior to being sent to the Governor.