Home Blue Ridge Health District to expand COVID-19 vaccination to Phase 1b

Blue Ridge Health District to expand COVID-19 vaccination to Phase 1b

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(© M.Rode-Foto – stock.adobe.com)

The Blue Ridge Health District will expand vaccination to Phase 1b priority groups at closed point of dispensing COVID-19 vaccination clinics beginning on Monday.

Phase 1b is the second group eligible to receive the vaccine, and includes police, fire and hazmat response personnel, those living and working in correctional facilities, homeless shelters and migrant labor camps, childcare/K-12 teachers and staff, food and agriculture workers, manufacturers, grocery store workers, public transit workers, mail carriers (USPS and private) and anyone age 65 or over.

This group also includes those community members 16-64 years of age with an underlying health condition. Individuals who have yet to receive the vaccine can still receive their first dose.

These individuals will be required to bring a personal form of identification such as a driver’s license, and may also be asked to show proof of qualification, such as a work ID, in order to verify eligibility. Additional PODs for Phase 1a are scheduled to continue vaccinating Phase 1a individuals while opening to vaccinate Phase 1b.

Vaccine clinics are not open to the general public as public, walk-in events; appointments are required for everyone.

“We are pleased to provide a safe and effective vaccine to frontline healthcare workers, essential employees, and individuals over the age of 65, as well as those with high risk health conditions” said Blue Ridge Health District Director Dr. Denise Bonds “While the vaccine provides hope on the horizon, it will still be months before the vaccine is widely available publicly. It’s important to remember we are still very much in the trenches of this pandemic and we must continue to adhere to COVID-19 prevention practices.”




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