Sharon DeBoever will present an Alzheimer’s caregiving program on Oct. 3 at Grace Lutheran Church in Waynesboro at 6:30 p.m.
This is a program that will focus on the changes that occur in the various stages of Alzheimer’s and some of the other dementias. The program will offer specific tips to the caregiver on how to assist themselves and the person with the diagnosis to better manage those changes throughout the disease process.
The program will also focus on value of the caregiver caring for himself/herself throughout this process. Resources for additional outside assistance will be provided.
This program is free of charge and open to the public. RSVPs will be helpful but not required in order to accommodate seating and planning for “light” refreshments. RSVP to MHAA office, voicemail or email, 540.886.7181 or [email protected].