Home Albemarle County opens Housing Choice Voucher waiting list
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Albemarle County opens Housing Choice Voucher waiting list


albemarle countyThe Albemarle County Housing Choice Voucher program is open for Tenant-Based voucher applications.

This program provides monthly rental subsidies to help families find an open-market rental unit that is affordable to them.

The program is designed to assist eligible families with their housing needs. Participants pay approximately 30 percent of their adjusted income towards rent with Albemarle County Office of Housing paying the remaining balance through funding provided by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.

“The HCV program is ACOH’s, and HUD’s, flagship program. It provides participant families with a flexibility of choice which enables them to seek and secure safe, affordable, and decent rental housing in an area that works best for their needs,” shared Philip Holbrook, Housing Program manager.

ACOH’s application evaluation includes local preferences in place that help individuals in certain situations rise to the top of the waiting list. These preferences include those that are experiencing homelessness and/or previously experienced homelessness; families who live, work, or have been hired to work in Albemarle County; current members of the U.S. Armed Forces, veterans who were discharged or released from service under conditions other than dishonorable, or surviving spouses of veterans; families that include victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking; and disabled persons or families with a disabled member.

Applying to the HCV program is the first step in what can be a multi-year process to obtain a voucher for a rental unit. This is the first time the HCV waiting list has opened since 2015.

Applications are being accepted through Feb. 7. Further information about the program and application process can be found here.



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