The presidential election will be big news over the next year. Join the Augusta County Historical Society for a November 9 trip that will offer an inside look at the world of news gathering, and the challenges of news reporting in a chaotic digital world.
With a year to go for what will be a momentous election, meet with insiders at C-SPAN and the Newseum for a look at the technical and political challenges of the 2016 election.
Those taking this trip into the world of news will leave Staunton by bus at 6:15 a.m. November 9 and travel to Washington and the offices of C-SPAN, the public service news network created by the American Cable Television Industry. Participants will meet with Brian Lamb, founder of C-SPAN, for an interactive discussion of ongoing and expected coverage of the election.
A video on C-SPAN will be presented in the bus on the trip to Washington.
After a lunch at a Union Station restaurant, participants will walk to the Newseum, the news reporting museum that champions the five freedoms of the First Amendment. The visit will include a behind-the-scenes visit with John Maynard, Director of Exhibits, at this, the nation’s most renown museum of journalism and news.
Following the visit to the Newseum, participants will return to Union Station for dinner, then return to Staunton, arriving at about 8:30 p.m.
The inside-news trip will cost $85 for ACHS members and $95 for non-members. The fee includes transportation and Newseum entrance fees.
The ACHS was founded in 1964 to study, collect, preserve, publish, educate about, and promote the history of Augusta County and its communities. The society marked its 50th year in 2014. More information is available online at