Golf is a sport many people can play, but very few can master. It can be a very intimidating sport for those getting started, and that is understandable. It can sometimes take a whole lifetime for people to hone their skills, and it’s not something everybody will get far enough to do. But, if you start on the right foundation, you should start making progress and enjoy your time while you do. Let’s take a look at a few tips for golf beginners.
Practice your range off the course
Curiously, a golf course is the worst place to start practicing your game. If you want to practice your swing and range, you might want to start at a driving range first. This is the best place to make mistakes and you’ll get the chance to hit as many balls as you want without interruption or people pushing in your back.
Work with a pro
Another thing you should never do is let a friend or spouse teach you the game. This is a recipe for disaster and could put you off the game forever. It could even put a dent in your relationship.
You should instead work with a pro so you can learn the proper technique on your swing. You could then start working on it on your own knowing that you have the fundamentals. You could find a PGA pro-teacher near you who will help you fix some of the kinks in your swing if you’ve been playing for a while or teach you everything you need to know if you’ve never picked up a club.
Learn with your friends
One thing you could do, however, is learning with a few of your friends. Evenings at the range can be loads of fun, so make it an event. Learning with your friends will make things more enjoyable and could even spark some of that competitive spirit.
Look into advanced equipment
We would also suggest that you invest in advanced equipment if you really want to elevate your game. You could invest in a golf simulator, for instance.
At the lowest end of the spectrum, you could get yourself a net and a launch monitor that will allow you to see the distance and trajectory of the ball on another device. Or you could go all out and buy a full simulator that will allow you to see shots as you make them. Both of these would be great investments if you want to practice your game without pressure from the comfort of your home.
Another thing we would suggest is that you consider buying your own golf cart. This might seem like a major expense but having to carry your clubs, which is usually the case when getting started, and walking from hole to hole can be tough and ruin the experience. Not to mention that you may come across courses that don’t have them available.
You shouldn’t worry about ongoing costs either. Golf carts cost very little to run and maintain. You have online stores that have parts from the popular Club Car brand if you ever need accessories for your cart. You’ll be able to enjoy your time on the course and focus on your game.
Have fun
You should never forget that this is a game and you should have fun. Getting too much in your head could actually ruin your performance, so let things flow naturally, and don’t beat yourself over the head if you’re making errors. This is something all great players had to go through, so don’t be too hard on yourself.
These are just some of the things you need to keep in mind if you’ve just started playing golf. These should help you up your game and make constant progress.