Home New watercolors class at Staunton Augusta Art Center

New watercolors class at Staunton Augusta Art Center


saaclogoThe Staunton Augusta Art Center has contracted Peg Sheridan once again to teach another requested class.

Spring Splashes, a watercolor class, beginning to intermediate skill level, for adults

  • · Improve drawing and watercolor skills with new lessons in painting spring florals and landscapes, buildings, and animals.  Also, choose one watercolor master to study and apply that artist’s techniques to your new masterpiece.
  • · Six Wednesdays: March 13, 20, 27, April 10, 17, 24 (no class April 3), 10am-Noon
  • · R.R. Smith Center classroom, 2nd floor, 20 S. New Street in historic downtown Staunton across from the public parking garage
  • · Pre-registration required by calling 540.885.2028
  • · $160 non-members/$140 members
  • · Materials list:

·         Arches cold press paper 140 lb., approximately 2-3 full sheets, torn into quarters

·         Your favorite brushes, including: 1 or 1 1/2½” flat, several  rounds, a rigger, a scrubber, and any other brushes you might have

·         A covered palette

·         Paints: student or professional grade in similar colors to:

Cadmium or gamboges or a any yellow, Alizarin Crimson or Rose Madder or Permanent Rose, Ultramarine or cobalt blue, Sap or Hookers or Thalo green, Burnt sienna or Burnt Umber.  Add any of your favorite colors.

·         A drawing pencil (B or HB or H or 2B) and eraser

·         A notebook or sketchbook to take notes and make small thumbnails

·         A scraper if you have one (a cut-up credit card, palette knife or a brush with a beveled handle, or a butter knife)

·         Photo references: landscapes, florals, subjects that interest you, a photo of a river or lake with a reflection if you have one, a barn, etc.

·         Paper towels

·         A board (anything bigger that 8X10; can be a piece of wood, foam core, masonite, etc.

If you would rather buy a Beginner Kit ($40 fee), let us know by March 6 and we will place your order with teacher Peg Sheridan.  The kits include 5 tubes of paint, a small covered palette, three brushes, a pencil, and enough paper to get you started.  The kits provide everything you need for the class, except you may need to buy one sheet of watercolor paper.

Please do not worry if you don’t have all of the items on the list above. Bring a substitute, or you may borrow from teacher Peg Sheridan. The one thing that is a “must have” is Arches paper.

For more information, call 540.885.2028.





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