Home Moving fine art in 2021: 5 ideas to consider

Moving fine art in 2021: 5 ideas to consider

packing art
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Moving art is among the most delicate, difficult, and demanding challenges that you come across in life. No matter whether you are an avid art collector or you own just a couple of paintings, knowing how to move art is an essential skill. The art logistics industry is growing bigger and bigger with each passing year. Many effective innovations have already been introduced, so the process of moving art is now much safer and more secure as compared to the past.

However, it does not mean that you are completely free from responsibilities. Instead, it is vital to know what can lighten your load and help you avoid common mistakes.

Below, you will find five helpful ideas that can ensure your success whenever you decide to move your art pieces, be they paintings, art prints, religious icons, or glass sculptures.

1. Save money on packaging

To ship your artworks, you have to make sure they are safely packed and secured. Experts recommend buying only high-quality protective materials. If you choose to cut down your expenses and purchase low-quality bubble wrap or foam, you will just put your items at risk.

At the same time, you can and even should economize when it is possible. Take, for example, shipping boxes and cardboard. These are easily replaceable packing materials. Moreover, you can consider using recycled materials, provided that they are durable and sturdy, but you shouldn’t go too far and try to find alternatives to every product.

2. Make use of wooden crates

Custom-built wooden crates are arguably the best way to move art over a long distance. Though they are more expensive than cardboard boxes, they guarantee greater safety for delicate pieces in transit. Besides, they protect artworks from dirt, moisture, and other hazards of the external environment. You can build a wooden crate yourself, or you can turn to a professional art moving company providing custom crating services.

3. Consider as many art moving options as you can

Before you make the final decision, try to analyze as much information as possible. It is all about choosing the right company for moving your art. The fact is that there are plenty of art movers out there waiting for your call. The most common mistake is when people start feeling desperate and choose without much consideration. Your choice is a real game-changer. The more you research, the higher the chances that your requirements will be met in full.

4. Never forget about art insurance

Art insurance is no longer an important addition but rather an indispensable part of the art moving process. Standard insurance is not enough, especially when it comes to high-priced art, so you need the help of third-party art insurance companies to have a favorable insurance policy. As they tend to say, it is better safe than sorry.

5. Consults experts, not friends

Finally, when you face moving troubles, you should go for art consultancy services. Please take notice that a friend’s advice is not something you should take for granted unless your sidekicks are art logistics specialists. So when you feel snowed under with work or a bit confused about the whole situation, don’t hesitate to consult art experts.

To conclude

Now everything that is left is to put these ideas into action. If applied right, you will enormously benefit from them by making the art moving process a secure and enjoyable activity. Good luck.

Story by Julia Kharchenko



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