Home Landlord tips for saving money this year

Landlord tips for saving money this year

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According to real estate experts, property managers spend at least 1 percent of a house’s value on maintenance costs annually. These figures might seem conservative, but they can significantly skyrocket within a short period if not checked. In this article, we’ll discuss critical money-saving practices that can marginally reduce the costs of running a property.

1. Evaluate your rental rates regularly

Evaluating your rental rates regularly can save you money in two ways. Firstly, you are less likely to overprice your rentals and scare away prospective tenants. On the other hand, you will avoid underpricing your units and end up making less money than you should. You can use rent estimate software to make sure you set the right rental prices for your units. Rental rates tend to change over time depending on shifts in the real estate industry, and you should always try to remain within the industry’s limits.

2. Perform routine maintenance

As a landlord, it is wise to have someone run a routine maintenance check on your property once in a while. Routine maintenance ensures that damage is spotted and fixed before it escalates. Note that damaged areas of the property can lead to accidents that come with hefty injury claims and expensive lawsuits.

3. Shop for the best mortgage rates

Hundreds of real estate lenders offer a wide range of mortgage rates, so be sure to shop around for suitable deals. Getting the best rates can include cumbersome processes such as frequently changing electricity and gas suppliers or switching insurance providers, but the returns are substantial and totally worth the hustle.

4. Get the best landlord insurance

Landlord insurance is more expensive than what a regular homeowner pays. This makes sense as accommodating different tenants only increases the chances of experiencing accidents such as fire and property damage. Before purchasing your first policy, consult an insurance expert and get guidance on the best cover for your property and budget limits. Additionally, check out if your insurance provider offers discounts for new customers or fireproof properties.

5. Hire a professional property manager

As a landlord trying to save money, you might get the urge to take care of tasks yourself to cut down the cost of property management. However, paying an extra pair of hands can help you save money. A property manager comes with a ton of experience in running different aspects of your property, such as tenant screening, evictions, rent collection, and general property maintenance. Handing over the reins will save you time and get the work done professionally.

6. Screen your tenants

Troublesome tenants are costly investments, and it is important to set a list of expectations that prospective tenants must meet before admittance. The qualifications must cover their income verification, criminal history, and prior rental history, to name a few. In doing so, you only admit tenants that will abide by your property and local regulations.


Running a rental business is not easy. However, implementing these money-saving practices on your rental management can save you time, resources, and money in the long run.



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