Home Final Fantasy XI:  Quick start guide for 2022 beginners

Final Fantasy XI:  Quick start guide for 2022 beginners

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In Final Fantasy XI, players are part of a massively multiplayer online role-playing. In Vana’diel, the story unfolds in a fantasy world in which players create avatars that compete to earn items and abilities.

There are a variety of quests the player can undertake and explore the plot of the game. However, most beginners usually struggle when playing Final Fantasy XI for the first time.

To help those beginners, we have come up with this quick start guide. You can use this guide to learn more about your options. We aim to make it easier for you to make informed decisions in the face of overwhelming information. So, let’s begin.

Understand level zero

Before you set foot in Vana’diel, there are a few things that you need to do. If you decide to sign up and download the game right away, you might want to adjust the settings in FFXI Config.

It is strongly recommended that you use Windowed or Borderless Windowed mode, as Fullscreen crashes as soon as the game transitions into the background.  After that, the introductory movie will play.

The config application allows you to turn off this feature so it won’t play every time you log in. The game opens with a depiction of a famous battle from the war, which occurs 20 years before the game’s narrative begins. This story is about how the Shadow Lord is defeated; society is rebuilt and unified.

Level 1 tips

First, you will need to create your character. Afterward, a brief cutscene will show you your new home. During your forthcoming story missions, you’ll chat with some colorful characters who will offer you an Adventurer Coupon.

You’ll receive 50 GIL for completing the coupon as advised, which isn’t much. If you want more FFXI GIL, you will have to do different things. However, the easiest way to earn GIL is by buying it. There are various sources that you can use to purchase GIL. MMOPIXEL is one of few trusted sources that many people recommend when purchasing in-game currency. You can buy FFXI GIL at affordable rates on MMOPIXEL.

From Adventurer Coupon, you are left to your own devices – the game does not guide you in any way. Here are some things you should know before introducing yourself to your options.

Controls & settings

Even if it isn’t the most thrilling thing for you to do when you first arrive in Vana’diel, familiarizing yourself with everything is a good thing. Considering how old Final Fantasy XI is compared to other games, you might not like the default controls.

You can speed up your experience by going through each setting individually. Make sure you are familiar with the controls as well. The game features many menu options. You learn your first spell in a menu and even trade your Adventurer Coupon. The process takes a little while to get used to, but you’ll get the hang of it in no time.


There are different “zones” in the game. A map on every zone’s first page of the main menu is accessible below the first page. When using an online resource, the map will display the name of the zone, your location, and a grid system to help you locate items.

There will also be maps of the Residential Area, connecting zones, shops, and other useful information. You can create markers and find party members using the left and right arrows on the map menu.

If you know what you’re looking for, you can also use Wide Scan, which shows a small area around you and identifies enemies and non-playable characters.

Watch out for floating crystals to find the Home Point. When you click on it, you will have the option to travel there from any other Home Point. Using a Warp spell will also return you to one if you become unconscious.

Dealing with game adventures

Final Fantasy XI comes up with a lot of adventures. Following are some vital things you will have to deal with playing the game.

Fighting monsters

Earning experience points is easiest when you kill enemies. Additionally, it is a key component to making money since you can sell the items obtained from enemies or use them as crafting materials.

You can strengthen your character most easily by leveling up. As you level up, more quests and missions will be available to you, and you will have access to even more content. The ability to unlock advanced jobs is only available after reaching certain levels.


Crafting is another good way to earn money, especially if you can use supplies from your adventures. It will also mean that you’ll save money when you buy stuff later from guilds that make stuff you will need. While Sparks is efficient in acquiring equipment, they can’t purchase high-quality items in this way.

Story by Debra Chen



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