Home Five reasons your blog posts aren’t ranking

Five reasons your blog posts aren’t ranking


blog posts google rankingThe success behind every online business is affected by in part by its search rankings. Google is the number one search engine used by most online users today. Therefore, getting your blog posts to rank is essential if you want to enjoy more visibility. Here are some of the reasons why blog posts aren’t ranking properly on google search results.

Limited Online Presence

If your blog post can only be accessed on your website, then there could be a problem. A post that can be found on many social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter and even LinkedIn will be more noticeable and will generate social signals, which has a direct effect on Google rankings. The more clicks your post gets and the more it is viewed, discussed and shared, the more google will notice it.

Lack of Links to Other Posts and Pages

One popular secret to getting high rankings is to embed links between posts on your blog. When users search for a popular post, they’ll run more chances of checking the post you want to rank. This will create a loop between pages which will increase page visits and improve your site’s SEO as a whole. Lack of such links will hurt the visibility of other posts in your blog.

Poor Title Page Layout

Every blog post should have critical page optimization elements. This includes proper use of H1 and H2 tags. For instance, the title of your page should always be an H1 tag. If your post page is not well structured, it will be poorly ranked by Google. It is probably wise to consider working with a SEO marketing firm to help you structure your posts appropriately if you lack the expertise. Besides, SEO marketing firms are familiar with most SEO best practices such as length, keywords and readability.

Poor Blog Design

A good blog design will quickly attract more readers. A blog post should be well designed, exciting and load fast as well. When these elements are missing, the post will usually be poorly ranked. Google’s algorithm has the ability to identify posts and blogs that are poorly done and blacklists them. For instance, if readers find your post and quickly bounce right out, that usually means that they were unsatisfied. Google’s algorithm monitors user behaviour and devalues poorly formulated posts and blogs.

You Are New

Google can take some time to crawl every nook and cranny of your website and index it appropriately. The more time your blog has been around, the more likely your posts will be indexed by Google. Always ensure that your blog has appropriate content, keywords, proper structure and is readable. It will be just a matter of time before your blog post gets ranked.

Every blog post has the ability to attract heavy traffic. However, this heavily depends on a number of factors, proper SEO being a main one. Ensure that your blog content is top notch, follows SEO best practices and can be easily ranked by Google and other search engines. This could cost you more in the long run, but the investment will eventually be worth it.



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