Home 7 ways to customize custom range hoods for your kitchen

7 ways to customize custom range hoods for your kitchen

custom kitchen design
Photo Credit: Andy Dean

A range hood is the centerpiece of the kitchen. It gives the kitchen a complete outlook and ensures all the fumes, smoke, and grease do not get trapped in the kitchen. You can customize the range hood to fit your kitchen’s design and theme or let it guide the kitchen design.

Many factors determine the choice of your range hood, but the design is highly influenced by personal taste and budget. The best thing about customizing the range hood is the many ways available to do that. Below are a few ways to make your dream range hood.

1. Customize the size of the range hood

Custom range hoods come in different sizes. Your pick depends on the size of the kitchen and the space allocated for the hood. For a small kitchen, you need a range hood that is small enough to complement the rest of the kitchen and big enough to do the job. The goal is to make the range hood proportional to the size of the kitchen.

2. Materials to use on the range hood

Mill finish, steel, and copper are some materials that you can use to customize your range hood. Personal taste, budget, and quality are factors that could influence the choice you make on materials. Pick one that is durable and looks great for your kitchen.

3. Choosing a finish

Choices are endless when it comes to the finish. Some people would love to match the finish to their kitchen theme, while others pick any finish that looks attractive. Custom range hoods have the option of copper, brass, stainless steel, or black finish.

4. Deciding on ventilation power

Besides the aesthetic value that a good custom range hood brings to the kitchen, it should also be functional. There is no point in having the most beautiful range hood, but it won’t eliminate the steam, grease, and smoke from the kitchen. Your stove’s width and the kitchen’s size will determine the ideal CFM for your hood.

5. Where to put the hood

Knowing where you want to place your range hood will help you know how to customize it. Custom range hoods for mounting on the wall have a different design from those under the cabinet or on top of the island.

6. How do you plan to use it

You can use custom range hoods for both commercial and personal use. However, each use case will have different requirements for customization. You need a much bigger range hood if you plan to use it commercially.

7. Choosing design and shape

Customizing shape and design mainly depends on personal taste. Other factors could determine the design, like available space and other kitchen appliances, but the main influence is personal taste.


Start working on your dream kitchen by upgrading the kitchen with a custom range hood. The freedom of custom range hoods makes it easy to incorporate everything you want in one range hood. That saves you money and time and leaves your kitchen looking amazing.

Story by Brad Bernanke



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