Home Staunton Augusta Art Center issues two Calls for Entries

Staunton Augusta Art Center issues two Calls for Entries


staunton augusta art centerThe Staunton Augusta Art Center currently has two Call for Entries to artists; both applications are due April 1.


Call for Entries for major gallery shows in Staunton Augusta Art Center’s state-of-the-art galleries:

The Staunton Augusta Art Center invites artists working in all mediums, including fine crafts, to submit work for juried gallery exhibits to be scheduled for 2016 through 2018. Applications may be made by individuals for solo exhibitions or by curators or groups for group or themed shows. To apply, please submit a resume, artist’s statement, and images on a CD (photographs and e-mails will not be accepted) of eight different pieces of representative work produced in the last two years (unless the application is for a retrospective exhibition).

Include title, medium, and dimensions of each representative piece. Include the entry fee of $25 ($15 for current Staunton Augusta Art Center members).

Standards Committee
c/o Staunton Augusta Art Center
in the R.R. Smith Center for History and Art
20 S. New Street
Staunton, VA 24401

Please provide a properly sized SASE if you wish the CD to be returned to you (allow three months to return). For more information, call the Art Center at 540-885-2028.


Call for Entries for the 49th Art in the Park at Gypsy Hill: A signature event of the Staunton Augusta Art Center, Art in the Park at Gypsy Hill is a two-day festival of quality fine art and fine craft every Memorial Day weekend (May 23 and May 24 in 2015). The historic municipal park provides a tree-lined, intimate setting for artists and artisans.  Area residents and tourists tend to linger to chat with the artists and artisans, listen to live music coming from the bandstand every hour, and enjoy the food provided by a variety of vendors. Young aspiring artists participate in a children’s art activity area. Due to limited space and wide interest, all work is freshly juried into the show each year.

Please download the application for more details and mail your submission to the Staunton Augusta Art Center, 20 S. New Street, Staunton, VA 24401.



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