Home Russia includes members of Congress from Virginia on ‘stop list’

Russia includes members of Congress from Virginia on ‘stop list’

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The Russian Foreign Ministry announced retaliatory personal sanctions on 398 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, including 10 of the 11 members of the Virginia delegation.

You have to wonder what special things they have in store for Gerry Connolly, who somehow didn’t make the list.

From a statement posted to the Russian Foreign Ministry website on Wednesday: “These persons, including the leadership and chairmen of the committees of the lower house of the US Congress, are included in the Russian ‘stop list’ on an ongoing basis. Together with other current legislators, who, like Speaker N. Pelosi, were denied entry to the Russian Federation earlier, all US congressmen were subjected to ‘listing’ on the basis of reciprocity.”

Hat tip to Google Translate.

Two members of the Virginia delegation issued statements on being included on the stop list.

First, Seventh District Democrat Abigail Spanberger:

“I’ll consider it a badge of honor to have been sanctioned by an authoritarian leader who has waged a horrific war against a sovereign nation and its civilians. This is a time for taking sides, defending democracy, and supporting our allies, and today’s announcement by a regime committing war crimes is confirmation that Putin and his enablers know exactly what side I’m on.

“As a result of the global pressure campaign of crushing sanctions and military and humanitarian support led by the United States and our partners, Russia and Putin are more isolated each day. As evidence of Russia’s war crimes and genocide in Ukraine mounts, the United States must stand firm and united in our support of the Ukrainian government, the Ukrainian people, and our shared ideals of democracy and sovereignty.

“Ukraine will win this war, just as it did the Battle of Kyiv. I will keep working in Congress to make sure our nation is providing Ukraine with the military, humanitarian, and intelligence support they need to beat back the Russian assault and ultimately triumph.”

Next, Fourth District Democrat Donald McEachin:

“Today, I was informed the Russian Foreign Ministry has sanctioned me. I have never been more proud to stand with Ukraine.

“Russia’s feeble attempt to strike back against U.S. lawmakers is a desperate and inconsequential demonstration with no impact. Russia’s economy is reeling from the array of economic sanctions and export controls imposed by the United States and our NATO allies.

“President Putin launched an unjustified, unprovoked invasion into a sovereign nation, and Russian forces have committed blatant war crimes, human rights violations, and other atrocities against the Ukrainian people. I recently helped pass the Ukraine Invasion War Crimes Deterrence and Accountability Act to instruct the U.S. State Department to collect and preserve any evidence of Russian war crimes, which will be used in future proceedings at international bodies. We will not forget Moscow’s crimes.

“The United States and our global partners remain steadfast in our condemnation of Russia’s attack. We will continue to stand united with our allies in support of President Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian people, and democracy around the world.”

Story by Chris Graham



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