If you get a text to analyze on site, such as a poem, start by reading it several times. Then go on to look for and delete important things in the text. Be sure to customize the items that you are looking for the task. Typical things you can look for are:
- Mediterranean style
- Message
- The feeling
- Action
- Person and places
- Links to other texts by the same author
If you comment on something you’ve read before, the same principle applies: Identify things that you remember contributed to the book’s feel or message. Once you have identified things that you think are important, it’s time to think about an outline and how to get everything in a good way in the text. Here too, it is important that you always have the task in the back of your head. Everything you write should help answer the task, otherwise it may be omitted.
Always think about why the author has written in a certain way. For example, if you find an anaphor, do not just write an anaphor, but also how it contributes to the text (for example, it may affect the rhythm while reading the text?).
Use quotes from the text to support your interpretations. Keep in mind, however, that you do not use too many quotes; most of the text should be your own words. If you do not have the text in front of you, it may be difficult to remember specific quotes, but do not hesitate to use them if you remember a few.
Essays in other subjects (interpret information)
This type of essay does not focus on the linguistic, how you write and how you interpret literary texts. The challenge with this type is instead to interpret certain information. It may be something you can read on-site during writing, or something you’ve read about before. For example, you can read about human development from going to all four to stand on two legs, and then comment on the reason that the development went from four to two. Thus, the difficulty is not to capture the information and understand what it says without taking it a step further and reflecting on the meaning. Below are some tips:
Focus on the question when writing. The subject can often be quite wide and it is important that you stick to what is specifically requested in the task to avoid time shortages. If you buy essay, you’re still required to tell your focus (to the writer).
Start by writing a piece of paper where you can list everything that has to be included in the essay and things that may be included. This way you can prioritize the most important parts and make sure you do not forget a key part.
Be confident. Stick to your interpretations and motivate why you interpret the information as you do. Of course, you must also be able to see other possible interpretations, and keep in mind that the essay (usually) does not have to be argumentative. You can therefore present several interpretations and not argue that one is correct.
To get a high rating, it’s very important that you think about the question: Why? This question can be used in two different ways. First, you need to ask why you interpret the information in a certain way, so motivate your interpretations. Secondly, it is important that, for example, consider why an event occurred and why it had some consequences.
Remember to focus on analysis. In an essay you will always get higher grades if you are able to analyze their topic than if you just describe it.
Just as you have to focus on analysis, it’s important that you do not have too much background facts. Think about what needs to be included to answer the question, and omit things that do not contribute.