Compiled by Chris Graham
[email protected]
LOSER: The House of Delegates, the Senate and Gov. Tim Kaine
The General Assembly has fallen short, once again, and Tim Kaine, despite his best efforts, has failed to get any movement.
Looks like we get a few more years, at least, of clogged roads with big potholes to dodge when we can.
LOSER: Steve & Barry’s heading into bankruptcy
OK, I was called an elitist during my city-council campaign, but the label never fit, and here’s why: I buy all my clothes at Steve & Barry’s.
The reason: Hey, nice dress shirts and pants for less than ten bucks! Seriously!
This news about bankruptcy is horrible news for people like me.
TODAY’S HOT OR NOT: Outback Steakhouse coming to Waynesboro
Just me personally, but I’ve had enough high-dollar steak to last a couple of lifetimes.
I remember my first $20 steak back in college – my roommate’s parents were in town, and they took their son’s dumb-shlock po’-boy roomie along for the ride.
It was good, the $20 steak, but it was still just steak.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those old-fogey types who wants to stand in the way of progress. I’m just not sure that that I define progress the same way some people do.