Waynesboro city leaders want to have a thorough discussion about whether it should take any kind of official stand on KKK flyers.
This is one that doesn’t seem that hard. We’re against white supremacy. Right?
The thorough discussion can come later, after you’ve said, no, unequivocally, the KKK and their knuckle-dragging ilk aren’t welcome here.
The issue was raised by a group of city residents at the City Council meeting Tuesday night. In recent weeks, a local KKK outfit has papered vehicles at locations across the city with flyers messages such as “KKK wants you” and providing phone numbers and website links to contact the hate organization for more information.
Folks aren’t asking the city to arrest anybody. We all know enough about the First Amendment to know that loser white power types have the same protections from government suppression of speech for their dumb views on society as anybody else.
The city code would allow for authorities to call a ticky-tacky foul on the KKK’ers if the flyers weren’t posted in such a way as to prevent them from becoming windblown.
It’s not about throwing the mouth-breathers in jail for spewing their nonsense. What people want is a simple statement from city leaders that Waynesboro isn’t about hate.
What we got from city leaders in response Tuesday night falls far short of what should be the floor in terms of this issue.
The best we got is platitudes from a couple of City Council members and a half-hearted promise to have that thorough discussion before any action.
We actually have to think through here in Waynesboro whether or not white power hatemongers are welcome here.
Column by Chris Graham