When companies are looking for a way to reduce employees’ stress, a massage retreat may be the perfect solution. Massage may help employees avoid sick days, especially those which are caused by chronic pain. People who have regular massages are calmer and more relaxed, making them better employees. Massage can help patients with a wide variety of physical and mental health conditions.
Massage has many proven benefits for the mind and body. When a person receives a massage, their tight muscles loosen. They feel a general sense of relaxation and a reduction in stress. Massage provides an opportunity for a person to receive physical comfort and connection with another person. Vancouver Massage Center is one of the many establishments where patients can receive a quality massage and reap the benefits for their physical and mental health.
Massage is a calming practice that helps people of all ages feel better about themselves. No matter their gender or body type, clients can enjoy the benefits of massage. Massage therapists are trained to be compassionate providers who are well-versed in the methods to relieve pain and anxiety. Massage is a complementary therapy that can augment the effects of other methods used to relieve pain and stiffness. When a person receives a massage, he or she may feel calmer, more relaxed, and better able to deal with the stresses and strains of everyday life.
Professional massage therapists are taught many different methods of relieving their clients’ symptoms. Swedish massage, a gentler type of massage, involves circular movements, strokes, kneading, and vibration. Sports massage is much like Swedish massage, but it is used to help combat overuse and strains as well as to prevent sports injuries.
Trigger point massage is concentrated on certain target points in the body which are sore and tight from overuse or injury. Deep massage is a more intense treatment, using more forceful and slower movements. This helps to soothe connective tissues and muscles deep inside the body. Combining these different forms of massage can help to create a comprehensive treatment for the client.
Medical studies point to the physical and mental benefits of massage. A 2011 study found that massage may help with chronic pain in the low back. Massage may also help with osteoarthritis pain and neck pain. One study found that massage helped with women’s comfort during labor.
Massage is useful for fibromyalgia patients. Fibromyalgia is a condition where the nerves in the body have become over-sensitized, causing widespread chronic pain. Massage can help with fatigue and pain, but therapists need to make sure that their treatments are gentle enough not to cause additional pain.
Massage can help cancer patients relax and relieve some kinds of pain. However, caution must be exercised when massaging a cancer patient. Certain areas such as the tumor site should be avoided.
Mental health benefits are another significant benefit of massage. Clinical trials have found that massage reduces depression. It helps elderly people be calm and relaxed. Anxiety may also be reduced with regular massage therapy.
Massage is not a risk-free practice. Patients with fractures, healing wounds, burns, osteoporosis, deep vein thrombosis, and bleeding disorders should not have massages. As always, consult with your primary care doctor before beginning a massage regimen. Your primary care doctor may have suggestions about a massage therapist you can see who specializes in your particular issue.
It is crucial that patients not use massage as a replacement for going to the doctor. Unknown health conditions may be masked by the pain relief benefits of massage. Anyone with an underlying health condition must be monitored by their doctor.
Massage therapy has proven benefits for many health conditions. For employees, massage may improve retention and reduce the number of sick days that are taken in the workplace. Massage is a practice which provides clients with an outlet for their emotions. It relieves pain, tension, and stress while possibly reducing depression. Therapy centers like Vancouver Massage Center have the ability to transform a client’s life with the power of massage and to help companies encourage productivity in their workers.