Having dreadlocks is something that many people love having, from both African descent, and even other ethnicities. It’s kind of a lifestyle that people have when it comes to maintenance as well, because having dreadlocks that are healthy actually takes a lot more work than people think. Most people commonly believe that you don’t wash dreadlock hair, or take them out occasionally, that you don’t brush your hair, and so much more. In fact, these myths couldn’t be further from the truth. In this tips guide, we’ll tell you some secrets to ensure that you have healthy dreads.
Find a Hairdresser That Specializes in Dreads
They call these people “lockticians”, and what they are is hair experts that can help you do the best for your hair and even start growing locks properly for your own needs. Many of these hairdressers need to have a lot of know-how when it comes to properly growing dreads, and you can easily find out just how much they know. A locktician that knows their stuff will give you even the most minute details about how to make your twists the right size and width.
Make Sure You Massage Regularly
Don’t just think that when you’re trying to grow your locks out that you can just let it happen. While you may not be brushing your hair a lot, you definitely want to make sure you massage you’re your scalp a lot. Not just a little. This will help your hair grow faster and stronger when you’re trying to grow it out. Not only that, but you’ll also greatly benefit from the total relaxation that massaging your scalp regularly can provide for you, from stress benefits, to even increasing the production of regular oils in your scalp so your hair won’t have the increased risk of breakage over time.
Don’t Twist Too Tightly and Take Care Every Night
When you’re getting new locks, you don’t want to break the hair or make it thinner towards your roots. Therefore, you don’t want to twist your locks too tight. Twisting your hair when it’s growing out can cause a lot of damage and even cause your hair to break off, which can increase shedding, cause more hair loss, and even cause problems and bad mats in your dreads.
Also, you want to make sure you’re taking care of your ever-shedding dreads, because as they dry, they tend to shed more. Be sure you take extra steps, like sleeping with a silk cap to keep your hair protected while you sleep.
More than anything, you may start to get frustrated when your dreads begin to reach certain levels. Keep in mind that patience is definitely a virtue that you need to have in order to maintain and grow proper dreadlocks. You need to know that it’s going to get better. And the thicker your hair is, the faster you’ll get successful dreadlocks, but it’s not an overnight success that you can just assume is going to happen. As long as you take steps to provide good hair maintenance, you will see that it will grow eventually. Just don’t give up!