There was one guy in my section at last night’s Nats-Astros World Series game who kinda, sorta stood up for President Trump.
Well, technically, it wasn’t kinda sorta.
He literally stood, but that was it.
Not that we could see what practically everybody else in the stadium was seeing.
Our section, 137, is under the monster scoreboard in right field, meaning we couldn’t see it when our dear leader was featured on the video display.
All we could do was react to what we knew was going on, based on the lusty booing, louder than even the worst that the home-plate ump, Lance Barksdale, faced a few innings later when he punched out Victor Robles on ball four to snuff out the final Nats rally of the night.
Kudos, by the way, to whoever it is on the Nats’ staff responsible for inserting the live shot of Trump into the usual fourth-inning tribute to the military that they’ve been doing at Nats Park for years.
I can only imagine how much discussion went into when to put POTUS on the big board, and that there might have been some objection to honoring Trump during this regular bit, you know, on account of his bone spurs, his disdain for POWs, the rest.
Anyway, great work there, ruining the salute to the military forever after.
Amidst the loud boos and the “lock him up!” chants, there was this guy, standing behind me.
“I’m making more money under Trump than I ever did when Obama was president,” he said to his seatmate.
“Five years with Obama, nothing,” he said. “Three years with Trump, I’m making more than I can imagine.”
Keep in mind that we were at the World Series. I make it up to Nats Park several times a year, and usually get tickets off StubHub for a song – $15, $20, maybe $50 for good lower-level.
I don’t even want to admit how much we paid to go to all three games this weekend, mainly because I don’t want to admit it to myself, and because I’m feeling not a little bit guilty.
I mean, it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, going to the World Series, but it wasn’t cheap.
(And I didn’t need that other kidney. Totally superfluous. I’m kidding. Maybe. It might be been my liver. Those grow back, don’t they?)
I imagine this is why the guy standing behind me speaking up for Trump, to his buddy, at least, wasn’t being more obvious about it.
You know, because he’s a country-club Republican.
And the country-club Republicans tend to be less atavistic than others under that particular tent about their feelings for our dear leader.
They’re the White Citizens Council types of the modern day.
Hey, we’re not all that comfortable with the race-baiting, but you have to say, it can be good for business.
Dude, credit due, kept it on the down low.
Tough as the MAGAs make themselves out to be, these country-club Trumpers are smart enough to read a room.
And when the room is 40,000 people speaking truth to power, well, you talk conversation-level to your buddy about how you’re making money, so screw everybody else.
I mean, yeah, he did throw Obama in there, but that’s because he’s smart enough to talk code to his buddy, who, oddly, kept mum.
Probably an independent, one of those, I don’t vote party, I vote for the best man (emphasis: man) types.
The conversation, such as it was, might have continued if not for Barksdale missing strike three on Carlos Correa, who hit a two-run homer three pitches later, and turned all of our attention back to how bad MLB umps are at calling balls and strikes.
Damn baseball game.
Column by Chris Graham