Each person’s fitness journey differs. It’s highly personal despite what the experts have to say about men’s health. Although there are a lot of opinions on the subject, it’s up to you to develop a system that works well for you. After all, no one else is walking in your shoes. They don’t know your medical history, relationship status or even the type of profession that you keep. Things such as age, body type, and even ability to cope with stress impact your health in a positive or negative way.
The best ways to stay healthy in 2019 are detailed below. Take note of the suggestions and implement the tips into your daily routine for best results. Paying close attention to your habits helps you identify which are helping you and which are hindering your progress as you increase your health and wellness this year. As always, your body is unique and has very specific needs. Note that what may work well for one man, won’t necessarily be the right option for you.
Give Up Your Vices
If you drink, smoke or use recreational drugs, it’s time to kick those habits to the curb. Giving up your vices frees up space and money in your life to do healthier things. Rather than cope with the world around you by abusing substances, why not substitute the behavior with running, weight lifting or swimming? Every time you get the urge to indulge in a bad habit, lace up your running shoes and hit the pavement instead.
Schedule a Yearly Physical
Make it a point to see your primary care physician at least once a year for a check-up. The medical profession will run necessary tests, record details about your weight and blood pressure, and note any symptoms that you may have experienced in recent months. They’ll come up with a plan of action for you that promotes good health. All you need to do is follow the doctor’s instructions and attend all follow-up visits that have been scheduled.
Eat More Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
The food that you consume should be eaten in its natural state as much as possible. You’re able to benefit from all of its vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that way. Load up on fresh fruits and vegetables whenever given the opportunity. If you’re afraid you can’t get enough servings into your diet in a day, add them to the smoothies and soups that you make to drink and eat.
Stay Hydrated
Most Americans are chronically dehydrated despite having 24/7 access to clean drinking water. Make it a point to sip on hydrating H2O throughout the day. This is among the most important mens health tip that there is. Dehydration can cause muscle cramping, fatigue, and confusion so it’s important to buy a refillable water bottle and drink from it often.
Move Your Body as Much as Possible
Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing regularly. Then dedicate time in your schedule to it. It doesn’t matter if you love running, playing basketball or surfing because each activity has its benefits health-wise. Whatever moves your body and makes you feel good counts as a form of exercise worth investing time into.
Recruit an Accountability Buddy
Find a trusted relative, friend or co-worker to work with you to meet your fitness goals. Known as an accountability buddy, they’ll cheer you on whenever you need a boost of confidence. Having someone in your corner as you improve your health is vital. It gives you more of a reason to keep plugging away at your goals because you don’t want to risk disappointing the person who has so much faith in your capabilities.
Find Productive Ways to Deal with Life’s Stressors
Stress is referred to by experts as the silent killer because of its connection with stroke and heart attack. Learning how to deal with things that are perceivably out of your control allows you to deal with stressful feelings in a positive and productive way. It puts you in control of your reaction even if you don’t feel as though you’re in control of the situation. Deep breathing and meditation are two practices that improve mens health radically during stressful situations.
Take Charge of Your Physical, Emotional, and Mental Health
Protect one of the greatest assets that you possess by being mindful about your physical, emotional, and mental health going forward. You can slay your fitness goals, achieve balance in your personal and professional lives, and do all of the exciting things you’ve set out to do when you are well. Make good health a priority by routinely scheduling a time to do things that increase your stamina, burn calories, work your muscles, and help you deal productively with stress. You’ll be healthier than you’ve ever been before because of the changes you have made.