Home Stop worshipping brands, and stop paying attention to the trolls

Stop worshipping brands, and stop paying attention to the trolls

online troll
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So many people are so loyal to their brands, not realizing that those brands, they’re not loyal to you.

I was just online reading a thread involving fans of the two main U.S.-based wrestling companies, WWE and AEW, taking shots at each other.

You could sum up the debate as: your favorite band sucks.

Guess what: WWE and AEW don’t care about you.

Oh, they want your money, but other than that.

Reminds me of when I was a kid, growing up with cousins who were big into the car culture.

The big thing with them was, Chevy vs. Ford.

It never occurred to them that Chevy and Ford didn’t give a s— about them.

But these guys went apes— on each other over their favorite cars.

It’s the same with Democrats and Republicans.

People are online all day, every day, talking s— on the other guy’s favorite team.

Guess what: they don’t care about you.

Like with the ‘rasslin companies and Ford and Chevy, yeah, they want your money.

Other than that …

You have to like what you like.

Me, I vote for Democrats, for example, because I value equal rights for everybody, want to see us eventually have universal healthcare, those kinds of things.

If you have good reasons to vote for Republicans, good on ya.

I love my Jeep and my Volkswagen Beetle.

If you love whatever your car is, I’m all for ya.

AEW, to me, is the better ‘rasslin, but if you prefer WWE, man, life is too short to argue all day about it.

Like what you like, let me like what I like, and other people like what they like.

This nonsense back and forth over whose is better, it’s just wasting the time you could be spending liking what you like.

Nothing I’m saying here is going to mean a hill of beans.

I get that.

I say that because, I have this sneaking suspicion that more of you than should be the case get more value out of telling people what you think they should like than actually enjoying what you like.

The rest of you, my recommendation is, just ignore those people.

Seriously, just let them be.

And stop worshipping brands.

If you’re going to worship anything, make it your family and your friends, and if you’re lucky enough to have dogs, your dogs.

If nothing else, your dogs are loyal to you.

Chris Graham

Chris Graham

Chris Graham is the founder and editor of Augusta Free Press. A 1994 alum of the University of Virginia, Chris is the author and co-author of seven books, including Poverty of Imagination, a memoir published in 2019, and Team of Destiny: Inside Virginia Basketball’s Run to the 2019 National Championship, and The Worst Wrestling Pay-Per-View Ever, published in 2018. For his commentaries on news, sports and politics, go to his YouTube page, or subscribe to his Street Knowledge podcast. Email Chris at [email protected].