Thirty-two Staunton Senior Center members, staff, and guests boarded three vans and traveled to the Walton’s Mountain Museum on Wednesday, July 24. The weather was gorgeous, the scenery was exquisite, and the company was lively as the vans wound their way to the Schuyler Community Center on Walton’s Mountain which houses the Museum.
The visit featured a thirty minute video showcasing the favorite program of many from the 70’s and 80s, and viewers heard from the actors and actresses who portrayed the Waltons in the show. Then came the time to explore the Museum and the four rooms replicating the TV sets: Ike Godsey’s Store, John Boy’s room, the living room, and the kitchen, bringing back many memories to the participants.
The group then headed towards Charlottesville and the Wood Grill, the day’s lunch destination. After a satisfying meal and more amiable conversation, everyone headed back over the mountain, tired but glad to have had the day together!
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