October has brought some new programming to the Staunton Senior Center. Trivia Excursions for the Young at Heart is becoming a special Monday activity that brings members together to reminisce about the olden days. So far the topic of the family farm has been discussed, with lots of memories, some good and some bad. Other upcoming topics are the 4-H Club, the blacksmith shop, and the old-time telephone. Even though this series may have been used before at the Center, with a new group of people, the discussion is of course different.
Cooking with Charles was back by popular deman; even though this is not a new program, Charles introduced us to juicing which was new for lots of folks. He made an interesting but healthy vegetable concoction for us to sample, and the next time he visits he will be teaching us about legumes and will be making a dish called haystacks for us to try!
We are looking forward to many more local authors in our new local authors series. We are grateful to the many wonderful authors who are willing to come into the Center to share about their books!