Beverly S. Butterfield of New Market has accepted the position of vice president for institutional advancement at Bridgewater College, effective Oct. 1.
Butterfield, a 1979 graduate of Bridgewater College, has held a faculty position with the Virginia Tech Extension Service since 1979. Most recently, she served as the director of the Northwest District for Virginia Tech Extension. Responsible for personnel and budgeting for 14 counties, 48 faculty and 33 classified and county-funded employees, Butterfield works with county governments to leverage $1.5 million in salaries and operations support. Prior to that she was director of Virginia Tech’s Northern District.
Butterfield, whose achievements include receiving Bridgewater College’s Young Alumnus Award in 1992, the Fauquier Business Woman of the Year Award and the Glen Mitchell Consumer Education Award, attended James Madison University in 1980 and earned her master’s degree from Virginia Tech in 1996.
She is married to Wayne Butterfield and has two children; Kate, Bridgewater College class of 2005, and Evan.