Just six weeks away from the huge event at Prince George (Va.) High School, One Night with “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair being held March 1 at 7pm.
Other featured stars include Matt Hardy, Big Van Vader, “Hurricane” Shane Helms, The Patriot, and a WOMENS match Reby Sky v Amber O’neil. Tickets are $50 front row, $40 second row, $30 third row, $20 for rows 4-5, $15 general admission in the bleachers, and $10 for PGHS students.
Tickets can be bought at Hooters of Chester, Jimmy’s Burger Spot of PG/Hopewell across from Strosnider Chevrolet, Hopewell Quick Lunch, and online at Big Time Wrestling.
Proceeds benefit PGHS athletics, thank you for your support.