Waynesboro City Council will hold public hearings on Monday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Charles T. Yancey Municipal Building, 503 W. Main St., Waynesboro.
The hearings will consider:
- A conditional use permit request by Zakary Draego to allow townhouses in the R-O (Residential Office) District at 401, 403, 405 & 407 S Magnolia Ave. on Tax Map Nos 44-4-17-1, 2, 3, & 4.
- A request by the City of Waynesboro Planning Commission to rezone Tax Map #60-1-56 located at 1001 Shenandoah Village Drive from H-B (Highway Business) to L-I (Light Industrial).
- A request by the City of Waynesboro Planning Commission to rezone the following parcels from RS-5 (Traditional Residential) to RG-5 (General Residential): 618 W. 11th St., 0 Chestnut Ave., 313 Chestnut Ave.
- An amendment to the zoning ordinance to allow certain uses in the MX-B District.
- An amendment to the zoning ordinance to fix language inconsistencies regarding placement of service bay doors.
Further information is available for review at the City Planning Department, Suite 204, Charles T. Yancey Municipal Building, 503 W. Main St., Waynesboro, or by calling 540.942.6604.
The meeting will be broadcast on the Waynesboro City Council YouTube channel.
Citizens who do not wish to attend in person may submit comments by emailing [email protected] or calling 540.942.6604.
Comments submitted in writing will be read during the public hearing.