Home Project Sticker Shock event set for Saturday in Staunton
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Project Sticker Shock event set for Saturday in Staunton


project sticker shockThe Central Shenandoah Valley Office on Youth is hosting a Project Sticker Shock event on Saturday, Oct. 24, at 9 a.m. at its Staunton office, Nelson Street Teen Center, 900 Nelson Street, Staunton.

Project Sticker Shock is an event where adults, law enforcement, and youth volunteers go out into the community visiting stores that sell alcohol. Stop sign shaped stickers are placed on cases and cartons of alcoholic beverages reminding adults over the age of 21 of the consequences of purchasing alcohol for minors.

This is an event that involves area high school SADD Club members and other youth volunteers.

If you’d like to join in on the fun contact Nancy Tyree at [email protected] or Keri Jones at [email protected] at 332-3806.



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