Governor Ralph Northam has issued a proclamation recognizing Monday, April 1, 2019 as Census Awareness Day in Virginia, and marking the one-year countdown to the 2020 Census.
“A complete and accurate count of all Virginians is both a critical component of our representative democracy and an important way to ensure our communities receive the share of federal resources they need to thrive,” said Governor Northam. “My administration is working diligently to make certain that Virginia is ready for the 2020 Census—that is why I proposed a budget amendment that provides $1.5 million to support education, outreach, and preparation efforts aimed at encouraging full participation in the 2020 Census, especially in communities that are hard-to-count and historically undercounted.”
If approved by the General Assembly, the Governor’s proposed budget amendment would provide funding for the development and distribution of resource materials to local governments and nonprofit organizations, public education efforts, and other Census outreach initiatives.
“While the census will take place in 2020, it is crucial that we start preparing now,” said Secretary of the Commonwealth Kelly Thomasson. “The Virginia Complete Count Commission has been working on plans to engage with communities all across the Commonwealth to ensure an accurate count. Census Awareness Day is an opportunity to discuss how we can come together as a Commonwealth to ensure an accurate and complete count so that Virginia’s communities can receive the funding they need and deserve.”
Governor Northam and the Virginia Complete Count Commission will mark the occasion with a number of efforts and events around the state, including three roundtable discussions designed to spread awareness and engage community leaders on the importance of the 2020 Census and strategies to ensure an accurate count. Many localities have adopted their own resolutions observing Monday, April 1, 2019 as Census Awareness Day.
Localities around the state are also hosting events to kick-off Census Awareness Day.
Alexandria Census Awareness Day Roundtable
Monday, April 1, 2019
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM
Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus
The Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center
4915 East Campus Drive
Alexandria, Virginia 22311
Richmond Census Awareness Day Roundtable
Monday, April 1, 2019
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Peter Paul Development Center
1708 North 22nd Street
Richmond, Virginia 23223
Norfolk Census Awareness Day Roundtable
Monday April 1, 2019
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Norfolk State University
Harrison B. Wilson Hall, 5th Floor, President’s Conference Room, Suite 530
700 Park Avenue
Norfolk, Virginia 23504
About the Virginia Complete Count Commission
On December 18, 2018, Governor Northam issued Executive Order Twenty-Seven, establishing the Virginia Complete Count Commission. The mission of the Virginia Complete Count Commission is to serve as a trusted voice and resource to educate, empower, and engage all communities to ensure that everyone in the Commonwealth of Virginia is counted. The Commission is composed of members from a broad cross-section of the Commonwealth, including those from communities that have been considered “hard-to-count” populations.
The Virginia Complete Count Commission website has information about ways to engage with the Commission and its outreach efforts, and provides resources for individuals and localities seeking to learn more about and promote awareness of the 2020 Census.
About the 2020 Census
The decennial census is a count of everyone living in the United States and is mandated by the United States Constitution. The goal of the 2020 Census is to count everyone once, only once, and in the right place. Census data is used to distribute Congressional seats to states, and to distribute more than $675 billion in federal funds to local, state, and tribal governments each year. Census data is also used for planning new schools, attracting new businesses to state and local areas, planning for hospitals and other health services, and designing public safety strategies.
To learn more about local Complete Count Committees or the United States Census, click here.