TBSC was excited to have the Nanobots, and their coach Sonya Shaver, come and present a short but excellent program to TBSC on Wednesday, Nov 21.
The Nanobots are a group of four 13 yr old young men who are participating in a First Lego League competition. First Lego League set out the challenge to solve a Senior Issue. These issues are things that scientists are currently working on. The issue they chose to address is balance. They presented an invention that helps with balance. It is a shirt that has inflatable air pockets that respond to shifting balance.
They have a website that would offer a much better explanation of how and why their invention works. The members at TBSC were very impressed with these young men and offered to be “test subjects” if they were needed!
Best of luck to William, Evan, Yogesh and Erizo as they compete at the State level on Dec 8 – 9.
The website they have created is http://betterbalanceapparatus.wordpress.com
To find out more about First Lego League competition use the following link: http://firstlegoleague.org/challenge/2012seniorsolutions.