The Augusta County 4-H & FFA Market Animal Show and Sale announced the second annual dinner and fundraiser to be held Saturday, February 10 from 5:30 p.m – 8:30 p.m.
The event will take place at the Augusta Expo Event Center’s Multi-Purpose building. All proceeds from the evening will go to support the 2018 Market Animal Show at the Augusta Expo Event Center.
The evening’s events will include a live auction, with the main feature being the 2018 naming rights for the show and sale ring. There will also be a silent auction with various items provided by our 4-H and FFA members. The meal will consist of beef brisket, pork loin and sides.
Tickets will be distributed and available for sale through all 4-H livestock club and FFA chapter members and available at the door. Ticket sales will be priced at $15 per exhibitor or adult, $7 for children 5-8 years old, with children 4 and under free of charge.
For questions or further information about tickets please contact Jay Strickler (540) 290-3877 or John Benner at (540) 245-0240 or [email protected].