Girl Scout Karri Greenlee of Staunton wanted to teach younger girls about responsible citizenship. In doing so, she has earned the Silver Award, the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can achieve.
Greenlee, a 10th-grader at Robert E. Lee High School, is passionate about politics and government. She decided to incorporate her interests and knowledge into activities designed to help Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors earn citizenship try-its and badges.
With the Silver Award, the project is just one facet of the comprehensive achievement program. The Girl Scout Silver Award represents a girl’s accomplishments in Girl Scouting and her community as she grows and works to improve her life and the lives of others. The first four requirements of the Silver Award help girls build skills, explore careers, gain leadership skills, and make a commitment to self-improvement.
A girl must be 11 or going into sixth grade to begin work on these initial steps. When the first four requirements are completed, a girl who is 12 years old or going into the seventh grade may undertake the Silver Award project. She must complete her project by age 14 or before the start of tenth grade.
Greenlee is the daughter of Kimberly S. Harman of Staunton. She is a member of Girl Scout Troop 365 of Staunton service unit, part of Girl Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council. Her troop leader and project advisor is Vicki Bellamy.