As your article (Feb. 23) intimates, Abigail Spanberger’s arrival on the “local school funding snafu” scene seems suspiciously related to gubernatorial desires.
Her press release on the issue acknowledges that this was an “administrative error.” Having been in Washington a while now, she must know that the Constitution does not grant Congress oversight of the way states communicate budget information to local school districts, much less oversight into clerical mistakes in that realm.
Nonetheless, her press release proclaims that she is somehow “leading an effort seeking answers” from Richmond. This is political theater, an aggrandizement of her role, and a transparent effort to reclaim the “education issue” from Governor Youngkin and Republicans. It is, moreover, further proof that she is not the refreshing, “bipartisan” politician she wants us to believe she is.
Letter from Donn Meindertsma/Ruckersville