Home Jim Lindsay: GOP solutions on health care?
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Jim Lindsay: GOP solutions on health care?


For all the rhetoric from the newly elected Republican House members on repealing the health care law, we hear absolutely nothing about their solutions to our health care crisis.

I have not heard one politician who talks of repeal propose a single viable solution to fix our dysfunctional insurance system. Maybe the Republicans offer no new solutions because they know they’re already included in the health care reform law? Lest we forget, the health care law considered the best ideas from both parties and provides consumers protections against the worst insurance industry abuses, covers millions, reduces cost and reduces the deficit by a trillion dollars.

The Republicans’ rush to repeal is an ill-informed, political pursuit, uncomplicated by the harsh reality of an insurance quagmire that wreaks havoc with the lives of thousands of Virginians every year. Polls show that 50 percent of Americans want to strengthen the health care law or give it time to work. Americans do not want to return to the status quo where the insurance industry is not held accountable to consumers. It’s time to cease the partisan campaign theatrics and start working to implement the health care law that will help millions of Virginians.

Arlington resident Jim Lindsay is a member of the Virginia Organizing Health Care Committee.



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