Theater at Lime Kiln in Lexington netted more than $20,000 from its Monte Carlo River Queen fundraiser last month.
“Given the direction the economy has headed over the last several months, we are very happy with the outcome,” executive director Kim Renz said. “Thanks go out to the work of our Monte Carlo committee, led by outgoing Board Chair Joanne Peretti and by Kay Lera. Because of our sponsors, donors, attendees and volunteers we netted over $20,000 this year, which is 86 percent of last year’s figure. We had over 240 attend, with increased ticket sales of 83 percent.”
In spite of the results of the evening, Renz is concerned about the future. “We are cautiously optimistic about 2009. In January we paid off the long term debt. However, our donations during this fiscal year are down by $8,500,” Renz said.
“We are planning to expand our community theatre offerings and, with the help of other area not-for-profits, to create new opportunities for area youth, beginning this April, but we still need sponsorships and more help from our friends to finalize the season,” Renz said.
“We will have as many concerts this year as we have sponsors to pay for them,” Renz added. “We also plan to revive Stonewall Country with Robin and Linda Williams performing, to produce Good Ol’ Girls, a musical revue for female performers, based upon the work of authors Lee Smith and Jill McCorkle, and to do a hilarious version of Dracula in October. To make all of that possible we need the community working with us.”
For information about sponsoring an event or donating to Theater at Lime Kiln, call Renz at 540.463.7088.
– Staff Report