Home Fields of Gold program provides technical assistance to agritourism entrepreneurs
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Fields of Gold program provides technical assistance to agritourism entrepreneurs


newspaperThe Fields of Gold Agritourism Program will be hosting 1-on-1 business support sessions by business resource providers on the topics of marketing and business planning. Sessions are available on March 26, 2014, 9am-12pm at the Virginia Cooperative Extension, 965 Pleasant Valley Road.  This valuable expertise will be free of charge to Fields of Gold members

Registrants for one or more topics will be paired with an expert in that field for up to one hour of personalized time to ask operation-specific questions, or to learn more about the topic in general.

Expert Resources:
Shenandoah Valley Small Business Development Center

Topic:  Business Planning
KLCreative Media

Topic:  Marketing
Registration: Appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Registration deadline is March 21, 2014.  For additional information visit the Fields of Gold website atwww.fieldsofgold.org or contact the Central Shenandoah Planning District at 540.885.5174.



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