Sometimes it’s just too darn hot to be in front of the stove – am I wrong?
On those hot summer nights when you can’t stand the thought of turning on the oven or standing in front of a hot grill, it’s important to have a good arsenal of easy recipes so that you don’t resort to either starving or ordering takeout.
Today, I’m going to share five of my favorite, easy-peasy, go-to ideas for summer suppers. And none of them involve heating up the house!
Crockpot roast chicken
If you have a chicken all ready to go in the oven, but you can’t stand the thought of turning on those elements and roasting your entire family along with the bird, enlist the help of your trusty crockpot. Recent information tells us that cooking a whole chicken in the crockpot is unsafe because it’s difficult for the entire bird to completely cook through with this cooking method. To be safe, cut the chicken into pieces and slow cook it that way.
Remember: You can also use your crockpot to prepare baked potatoes and other veggies without having to turn on the oven.
Cobb salad
Get some nice fresh romaine lettuce, spinach or whatever other greens you like. Cook up some bacon and chop into bite-sized pieces, cut up some left-over chicken, boil a couple of eggs, chop up some tomato and ripe avocado, and you’re basically done. Put the greens in a salad bowl and dress them in a homemade vinaigrette. Then, compose the other ingredients nicely on top of the greens or separately on a pretty plate, along with some bleu cheese (or other cheese of your choice). Enjoy!
Stir fry
Grab whatever veggies happen to look good to you and make a tasty stir-fry. If you have some thawed-out protein, all the better! A stir-fry can easily be catered to your personal tastes depending on the meat, veg or sauce you use. Plus, you’re done in roughly 20 minutes, using only the stovetop. If you have the energy to cook a pot of quinoa to serve the stir-fry with, have at ‘er! If not, it tastes fine on its own or with a big ol’ salad.
Everyone loves breakfast for dinner, and the easiest way to use up leftovers and get dinner on the table is by whipping up a nice fluffy omelet. Heat some butter or coconut oil in your pan, add onions, peppers, potatoes, cooked ham or bacon—whatever you like—and, when the veggies and meat is warmed up, add your beaten eggs. Served with a salad with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and a crumble of goat cheese, this is a very yummy meal and it’s ready in no time!
All you need to make a raw vegetable soup is a blender . . . and some vegetables! Chop whatever veggies you like (try tomatoes, cucumber, onion, garlic and bell peppers) and put them in the blender. Add some tomato juice and puree the whole works. When the veggies are blended, add a bit of red wine vinegar and some olive oil. Top with salt and pepper. Serve and enjoy this refreshing cold soup.
Leanne Ely is a NYT bestselling author and the creator of, the original menu planning website, bringing families back to the dinner table for over 15 years.