Elections have consequences, a point that CPAC seized upon with a Wednesday news release laying out its priorities for the 2022 Virginia General Assembly.
“Virginians sent a resounding message that they have had enough” said CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp. “Now, more than ever, Virginia Republicans must unite and overturn the radical leftist policies that the previous legislature shoved down our throats.”
It was radical left of us, for instance, to prohibit voting discrimination. CPAC listed a rollback of HB 1890, which “prohibits any voting qualification or any standard, practice, or procedure related to voting from being imposed or applied in a manner that results in the denial or abridgment of the right of any United States citizen to vote based on his race or color or membership in a language minority group,” as its #1 priority, under the guise of the 2021 bill being “an attack on election security.”
Also targeted: taxpayer funding for abortion, clean energy standards, gun control measures.
The priorities also include “attempts to force state employees to learn Critical Race Theory,” specifically, HJR 537, introduced by Petersburg Del. Lashrecse Aird, who was defeated in her re-election bid yesterday.
The “state employees” being forced to “learn Critical Race Theory” is an apparent reference to a line in the proposed resolution to require training for state employees on how to recognize and combat implicit biases.
Learning to recognize and combat bias: a bad thing.
Another bad thing: legislation that prohibits landlords from using government shutdowns against renters who are government employees or contractors, who as we all know tend to vote Democrat, so, hell with them.
Anyway, this is their right, to the victor goes the spoils, the rest.
This is what happens when you don’t go out and vote.
Story by Chris Graham