Tearing your hair out in frustration over constantly finding your employees either slacking off and simply staring on the screens of their smartphones? Maybe you’ll find some comfort in the fact that almost every single employer out there is confronted by a similar ordeal. You hire people to help realize the organizational goals, but instead they turn their focus on useless activities like checking out their social networking profiles, watching random videos, and visiting non-work related websites. Not only does this kind of leisurely behavior dent the overall performance of the company, but it also drains you financially. This just isn’t acceptable no matter how you look at it. Employee monitoring tools like Mobistealth have come forward as a tantalizing solution to this problem, and so far they’re certainly doing an amazing job of serving their purpose by keeping employees in check and improving the overall performance of the organization. If your organization’s performance is also dwindling due to your employees’ performance, or lack thereof, then employee monitoring solutions can prove to be immensely beneficial for you as they will help you and your organization in a lot of ways. Some of these benefits have been outlined below.
Discourage abuse of smartphone privileges
Smartphones are one of the biggest reasons behind employees slacking off and this is where a monitoring app can come in handy. These monitoring tools enable you to keep tabs on your employees’ devices so that you can see what they’re up to. If they’re excessively texting or calling someone, you will know about it immediately. If they’re browsing random non-work related websites, you’ll know about that too. Having access to such kind of information allows you to deal with particular individuals without compromising the workflow of anyone else. As soon as you see someone slacking off, take action immediately, mainly to send out a loud and clear message across the company that you’re keeping an eye on things and won’t tolerate any kind of time-wasting whatsoever. Soon, you will see people falling in line and keeping their focus on tasks that they’ve been hired to perform.
Putting mobile workforce on the radar
If you’re running a business where employees are required to leave the workplace on regular basis, i.e. you have a mobile workforce, then you’re sure to be confronted with the challenge of keeping your workforce efficient and focused. When outside of workplace premises, employees take things easy and waste a large chunk of their time getting even the simplest of tasks done because they know that you aren’t following them around and therefore can’t do anything about it. However, you can change that with the help of employee monitoring tools. Just get it installed on all of your employees’ cell phones and you’re set. These tools enable you to keep track of your employees’ whereabouts round the clock. You will know where they are, where they’re headed, and where they had been without much of a hassle. When your employees realize that you’re keeping an eye on their movements, they will certainly pull their socks up and exhibit a greater degree of efficiency.
Connection between monitoring tools and performance
Without any kind of monitoring, employees tend to let loose and slack off. This is where these solutions can prove to be a huge help. With their aid, you can monitor your employees’ activities at and even away from organization premises without needing to shadow them. If you notice someone wasting their time to an unacceptable degree, you can and perhaps should deal with them immediately. When people start to see that you’re paying close attention to each employee, they will feel compelled to let go of their slacking ways. Some of them will do it out of fear of being fired, while some will do it with hopes of being rewarded. In both scenarios, you and your organization will emerge as the true winners. By merely getting help from a monitoring tool, you can easily resolve two problems. First, your employees would start paying attention to the actual tasks, and secondly, your organization’s performance would begin to show a positive trend. In a nutshell, there is a positive connection between employee monitoring tools and organization performance.