The Cities of Staunton and Waynesboro and Augusta County will be offering Community Emergency Response Training. The course will be held on Thursday mornings, Jan.12–March 15, from 9–11:30 a.m. at the Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission Office at 112 MacTanly Place in Staunton.
This nine-week course uses a standard curriculum designed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and teaches basic skills in disaster preparedness, fire safety, first aid, terrorism awareness, disaster psychology, and search & rescue. The CERT course is designed to give the average person tools to prepare themselves and their family and/or their business during severe weather or other emergencies when emergency personnel are overwhelmed and may not be able to respond immediately.
The course is open to anyone who either lives or works in Staunton, Waynesboro, or Augusta County.
The course is free and all materials are provided. Pre-registration (no later than Jan.6, 2012) is required.
To pre-register for the course contact Rebecca Joyce, CERT Coordinator by telephone at 540-885-5174 or by email at [email protected].