The Commonwealth Transportation Board awarded two contracts worth approximately $15 million for major infrastructure improvements in the Lynchburg District of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).
Haymes Brothers, Inc. of Chatham, Va., was awarded a contract valued at approximately $8.4 million for the second phase of safety improvements along the U.S. 29/460 corridor in the City of Lynchburg. The access management project from U.S. 501 (Campbell Avenue) to Poston Street will involve construction of auxiliary lanes. These lanes will allow motorists to more safety accelerate or decelerate to and from highway speeds, removing the speed differentials in the travel lanes. In addition, the lanes will eliminate the need for multiple private driveway access points along the 1.3-mile section of roadway. In conjunction with these lanes, two right turn lanes will be added into Falwell Airport and Templeton Market. These improvements will also reduce turning movements and conflicts points which may further reduce traffic crashes along the corridor.
The project is scheduled for completion by November 16, 2017. For more information:
A $6.6 million contract for the replacement of the Route 20 bridge over Slate River in Buckingham County was awarded to Allegheny Construction Company of Roanoke, Va. This project will replace the narrow bridge with a structure that will be wider and will meet current design standards. The new structure will be built on new alignment, allowing the existing bridge to be used during construction and to avoid additional impacts to motorists.
This project is scheduled for completion by November 2, 2017. For more information: