At its monthly meeting, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) awarded two local design build projects in the Lynchburg District of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).
The CTB awarded Branch Highways, Inc. of Roanoke, VA an approximately $10.8 project for the widening of Greenview Drive in the City of Lynchburg and Campbell County from two to four lanes. The project will also include sidewalks, a shared-use path, signal upgrades at Leesville Road, roadway lighting and landscaping. The project is located between Hermitage Road (Route 1541) and approximately 0.2 miles south of Leesville Road ((Route 682), for a length of 0.6 miles. The Greenview Drive project has a fixed completion date of July 26, 2017.
The CTB, also, awarded an approximately $29.8 million project to G.A. & F.C. Wagman, Inc. of York, PA for the Odd Fellows Road Interchange at Route 29/460 and associated improvements in the City of Lynchburg. The project will include a new interchange at Route 29/460, a roundabout at Top Ridge Road, extension and reconstruct of existing Odd Fellows Road from the proposed interchange to Mayflower Drive, a roundabout at Mayflower Drive, curb and gutter and roadway lighting. In addition, the project will also include sidewalk, landscaping and a shared use path along Odd Fellows Road from the proposed interchange to Mayflower Drive, as well as preliminary engineering for future improvements to existing Odd Fellows Road from Mayflower Drive up to, but not including, the existing interchange with the Lynchburg Expressway. The fixed completion date for this project is August 3, 2018.
Design-build contracts are those by which both the design and construction of a project are awarded to a single entity. In the Greenview and Odd Fellows projects, the contracts also include survey, geotechnical, hydraulics, quality assurance and quality control, as well as other design and construction-related elements.