The average daily cost for a Columbia Gas of Virginia residential customer this winter will average about $4.31 to heat, cook and provide hot water. Effective November 29, the average total monthly customer bill will be $129.30.
The estimate is based on a seasonal monthly usage level of 10 dekatherms (Dth) for the months of December 2016, January and February 2017. A Dth is the heating component measurement used for natural gas usage and equal to 1,000 cubic feet (Mcf).
“Natural gas remains the lowest-cost energy option for home heating, and it is a key component for a wide variety of commercial and industrial applications,” said Brent Archer, Columbia Gas of Virginia’s President. “We remain optimistic about the ongoing projections for domestic supply and price stability, which is good news for all of our customers.”
In advance of the winter heating season, Columbia also encourages its customers to perform maintenance on their home appliances and take advantage of rebates available through the WarmWise conservation and energy efficiency program.
Columbia customers can take the following additional steps to help manage their energy costs:
- Complete a Home Savings Evaluation through the WarmWise program and receive a free Energy Efficiency Kit
- Enroll in the free Budget Payment Plan
- Install caulking or weather-stripping around windows or doors
- Keep registers and air return ducts clear of furniture, carpet, drapes and vacuum them occasionally
- Add insulation to the attic or crawl spaces
- Install a programmable thermostat
For more information on steps to manage energy costs, customers can call Columbia at 1-800-543-8911 or visit
Additional energy savings tips can be found at the following web sites:
- WarmWise –
- S. Department of Energy – or
- American Gas Association –
About Columbia Gas of Virginia
Columbia Gas of Virginia delivers safe, reliable and clean natural gas to over 264,000 customers in portions of Northern Virginia, Hampton Roads, suburban Richmond, Central Virginia, Shenandoah Valley, Lynchburg region and Western Virginia. With headquarters in Chesterfield County, the company is one of the 7 energy distribution companies of NiSource Inc. (NYSE: NI) serving 3.8 million natural gas and electric customers. Always call 811 before you dig and Dig with CARE. Learn more at