Employees from Columbia Gas of Virginia’s Lynchburg office today presented a check from the NiSource Charitable Foundation for $10,000 to Gleaning for the World, a key non-profit organization providing support to victims of an EF-3 tornado and severe storms that ripped through the region last week.
“We are very grateful for the support of Columbia Gas. This gift will provide relief to thousands of hurting families in our community,” Gleaning for the World President Jeane Smiley-Mason said. “There is more to do and we hope that people will join with us to alleviate suffering right here in Central and Southwest Virginia.”
“Some of the hardest-hit areas from this storm are in Columbia Gas of Virginia’s service territory, with our customers and neighbors deeply affected by this disaster,” Columbia President Brent Archer said. “As our Columbia Gas crews focus on safely restoring critical energy infrastructure, it is comforting to know that Gleaning for the World and similar organizations are there as well, helping meet the other immediate needs of the storm victims.”
Gleaning for the World is a humanitarian organization that addresses critical needs of people suffering from natural disasters and extreme poverty. Although it operates around the world, Gleaning for the World’s Concord VA headquarters made it one of the first relief organizations to respond following the storm. Reacting quickly, the group began providing drinking water, personal hygiene kits, nonperishable food items and other critical resources to victims.
About 40 Columbia Gas employees are based in Lynchburg, serving residential, commercial and industrial natural gas customers throughout the city and surrounding areas. Today’s grant, which was provided by Columbia Gas of Virginia’s parent company foundation, the NiSource Charitable Foundation, will help support continued disaster recovery and response efforts across the region.
How to Support Gleaning for the World
Individuals, businesses and organizations who would like to partner with Gleaning for the World to help disaster victims are invited to call 1-877-913-9212. Donations also are accepted online at https://gftw.org/donate.
About Columbia Gas of Virginia and the NiSource Charitable Foundation
Columbia Gas of Virginia delivers safe, reliable and clean natural gas to about 270,000 customers in the Lynchburg region and portions of Northern Virginia, Hampton Roads, suburban Richmond, Central Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley and Western Virginia. With headquarters in Chesterfield County, the company is one of the seven energy distribution companies of NiSource Inc. (NYSE: NI) serving nearly 4 million natural gas and electric customers.
The NiSource Charitable Foundation helps create strong and sustainable communities where the NiSource and its subsidiary company have operations. In close collaboration with NiSource employees and community partners, the foundation seeks opportunities to provide funding and encourage volunteer support for non-profit organizations in the areas of Community Vitality and Development, Environmental and Energy Sustainability, Learning and Science Education and Public Safety and Human Services.
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